I Was Confident My Three Daughters Would Survive the 2006 ADC Plane Crash –Idris, ex-Kogi State governor

...a Punch Newspaper Exclusive...

Nigerians woke up to yet another news of plane crash on Sunday, October 29,2006 when  Aviation Development Company Airlines Flight 53 operated by ADC Airlines crashed  shortly after take-off from Nnamdi Azikiwe International Airport in Abuja, Nigeria. Immediately after take-off from Abuja, the Boeing 737 contacted the ground, broke up and caught fire in a farm. The flight carried 100 passengers and five crew members. The plane carried a number of high profile personalities like Muhammadu Maccido, the Sultan of Sokoto and spiritual leader of Nigeria’s Muslims, the sultan’s son, Senator Badamasi Maccido, Dr. Nnennia Mgbor, the first ever female West African ENT surgeon, and Abdulrahman Shehu Shagari, son of former President Shehu Shagari. Out of about 105 passengers and crew, only nine people survived and interestingly out of them, three daughters of Ibrahim Idris, former governor of Kogi State cheated death.

The crash, which was the eleventh Nigerian airliner to crash since 1995, bringing the harvest of death to more than 500, sparked intense national calls on government to improve the nation’s aviation sector. The previous crash involving ADC happened on November 7, 1996; 143 people were killed when a Boeing 727 went down near Ejirin, Lagos, losing control after taking evasive action to avoid a mid-air collision.

After the 2006 crash, the former governor had expressed his joy thus:  ‘This is a superlative show of mercy to me and my family by Almighty Allah. I lack words to express my gratitude to the Almighty Father for this favour. I can only call on Nigerians and indeed humanity in general to join me in thanksgiving for His benevolence.

Twelve years down the line, the former governor has not stopped attributing other miracles in his life to God. He tells OLALEYE ALUKO impacts of the experience on his family

In 2006, an ADC carrying 96 passengers including three of your children crashed.  Can you take us back to that day?                                         

It might be difficult to believe. But actually, what happened that day was that my three daughters were to go back to their university in Sokoto State. But I told them that there was no need to wake me up. They should tell me what they needed and I would provide. So, they gave me their expenses and I satisfied them. I made an arrangement with a driver that would take them that morning from Lokoja, Kogi State, to the airport in Abuja.

But to my surprise, around 11am, I heard cries from my wife and some few people around me that there was a crash of the ADC Airlines going to Sokoto and that they suspected that my children would be on board the plane. Some minutes after, I received a call from my son, Suleiman, who took them to the airport, confirming that the plane that had the accident had my three daughters in it. I asked; then what happened. He said; the plane crashed. Initially, they said the plane crashed in the air and started burning and so on.

Well, you may believe it or not. I just said; it crashed in the air. Really?

If it is so, nothing would happen to my daughters even if the plane crashed into the sea. I said I believe in my God and He loves me so much that He wouldn’t let anything happen to my daughters. I was very confident. It did not move me. That very day, I refused to tell anybody anything that was happening. I took my bath and I told my aide-de-camp to get ready that we would be waiting to hear any calls to know where the plane had the crash so that we could drive there.

As we were doing this, there were many people who came to visit me in my house. Yet I did not disclose anything to them; we were all talking and chatting.  We were talking about every other thing but I was calm about the crash. I warned my wife and my family that I did not want anybody to cry and I did not want anybody to make people believe something was wrong.

We were in my sitting room. Another phone call came from my son and my daughters’ elder brother, Muhammed, that this was what happened. There was broadcast on air already. Between me and you, I was not perturbed at all.

My reason is; I know God loves me so much.

Did you ever have premonition that something like that could happen?                            

No, I did not have any premonition. A day to their journey, like I said earlier, I told them not to wake me up in the morning when they would be going because I worked up till 5am to clear the files waiting for me and I knew I needed to have some rest. I made all the provisions and ensured nobody disturbed my sleep for anything.

Where were you when you first heard the news?        

I was in the house. My Chief Press Secretary (Mr Richard Elesho) brought newspapers to me in the house on that Sunday morning.

What came to your mind when you heard the news?  

I knew God would keep my children and nothing harmful would happen to them.

Did you fly to the hospital or were you driven there?     

When it was time and it became obvious that people should know, I instructed my ADC and we all left Lokoja for Abuja after we got the final information that the plane crashed not too far from Abuja. I said that was fine. So we moved to the scene of the accident. It was then that people knew that something had happened. All the people sitting with me were amazed how I kept it. I was confident that nothing harmful would happen to them. I believe God loves me more than any other human being on the earth. Not that He does not love you and others; but I believe He loves me most. That is my belief for all He did for me.

If you flew, were you initially afraid to take a flight as you were going to where a plane had just crashed?

No I was not afraid. But I did not fly. We went by road.

How did their mother take the news?     

No, she was not calm like me. You should know women. She was crying and asking many questions. I told her nothing would happen to our daughters, but of course, you don’t expect her to believe me.

Did she also join you to go there?     

No, she did not. I had to move with my escorts. We left Lokoja around 12pm for the scene of the accident. As we were going, when we got to about some few kilometres from Abaji, I received a telephone call from my son that they were at the scene of the crash and for now, they had seen only Zainab.

I said, okay. They should not worry; they should go ahead to search and they would see the others. That happened in Abaji. By the time we were getting close to Gwagwalada, I received another telephone call from him that they had seen Jemila. I said, beautiful. I believed that God would not let anything happen to my daughters.

After passing Gwagwalada and about to turn to Giri-Airport Road heading for Abuja, the telephone call came in again that they had seen Aisha. I said, yes I know nothing will happen to my daughters.

Was it your sons who did the search or security and emergency agencies?

No, my people – my children, Suleiman and Muhammed – were at the scene of the crash and they were the ones who located the three of them. You know, the way God did it; my daughters were not sitting together in the plane. They were scattered but God is wonderful. In fact, Jemila came with her seatbelt on and her chair outside the crashed plane.

And then, my two other daughters, from what they told me, were found just around the plane. There were just about five or six survivors and these include my three daughters, one other girl and one other boy.

It was reported that you were seen donating blood and so on.  Tell us about that and why?

That was true. You know, from the scene of the crash, we drove straight to the National Hospital, Abuja. They took us into the Theatre Room where they were all admitted. The doctors said they needed blood. I, my son, Abubakar, and another son, Muhammed, all decided to donate blood. Luckily, it is the same blood and we did not need to search for blood. So, they took from me and from them.

What other heroic things do you remember doing at the time?    

You know, like I said earlier on, God is wonderful and I cannot explain how the survival of my daughters came about. I knew my daughters would be okay just somehow. What was required was the need to move them abroad for further treatments. I was ready for any provision. The Julius Berger Company sent in a jet that would pick my three daughters to Germany.

But then, something happened. The fourth girl who survived the crash had more serious injuries. Her legs were almost leaving the body. So the very moment that my daughters were to be flown abroad, I went to see the fourth girl. I didn’t know her, but I knew that her case was more critical than my three daughters. So we made arrangements for her travelling to Germany also. There was nobody to speak for her or any relation. But we decided to let her join my daughters to Germany.

Do you still hear from her or do you know her whereabouts?

Well, to the best of my knowledge, after the treatments in Germany, they were all discharged and returned to Nigeria. All that was provided for my daughters in Germany were also given for her. There was also money for her to do some shopping back to Nigeria. I provided this. When we got to the airport, we embraced each other and left. As I talk to you, I have never set my eyes on her again or heard from her. But that does not bother me, the most important thing was that I was able to save a life.

If your children had not been involved, would you have readily donated blood in such a situation? 

Yes, if I was asked to do so. Why not? This is something that has to do with saving lives. Why would I not do that? As a sitting governor, if I was going to Abuja or anywhere and I got to an accident scene, I would always stop and find out what was going on.

About seven or eight people survived the crash and your three children were among them, tell us how lucky you must have felt.

To me, I saw it as love from God. Well, if you say it is luck, it is God that gave the luck. To me, I believe that was the way God had planned it. Very importantly, I believe that God loves me so much and till tomorrow, I still believe that God loves me more than anyone. This is because of the wonders He has been doing in my life and my family.

The experience must have been bitter-sweet hearing about the crash and then seeing your children survive.  Was the day both your worst day and your best day? How does the day rate in your memory?    

The memories I have are for thanksgiving. God is good to me and my family in that incident. There are lots of many things I can recall about my life experiences that if I start to share them, newspaper will not be able to contain my reports. God has always saved my life and my family members. I am too confident about that love and I try to run from things that will offend God.

How are the children today?           

Luckily, I thank God that all of them are now married. One of them is a fashion designer with the name, Jemila Ibrahim Fashion Designing, and she has her shop in my hotel, Grand Ibro Hotel. She is now a mother of three children; one boy and two girls.

For Zainab, she is married to a bank manager in Katsina State and she has about four children now. Aisha married this year and she is with the husband in Sokoto State.

How has that experience impacted the lives of your children?  Does it give them any phobia for travelling by air?

Not at all; even after that incident, they still flew again back to Sokoto to continue with their studies. So, there was no fear. They are now mothers.

Did you offer any special prayers to God at the time and do you dedicate any day to remember the incident now in prayers and deeds?

Firstly, let me tell you how I came into politics. I don’t know how it happened but I think it was God’s time for me to come. What really happened was that I would not say I am too kind but I think I make sure I help people. How I became a governor was that I was just trying to help people in our communities and some persons noticed and they said I should come and run for governorship.

People started coming to my house in Abuja here and said I must be their governor. I thought they were just joking. I thought it was a strategy to take away my hard-earned money. So I said sorry, if you want me to come into politics, you are making a very big mistake. I cannot spend my hard-earned money. But here I am, I came into the office finally because of God’s plan for me.

Will I begin to tell you how many accidents I have had and I was unhurt? Or the way God has helped me to be buoyant even after leaving office? But let me tell you one thing; I feel that for all God has done for me, I don’t have anything to pay Him. But I decided there was something I could still do to appreciate God. Before I became a governor, I was doing my business in Sokoto State. I decided to build my first Central Mosque in Ejule, Kogi State.

That was the first mosque; I built other mosques in the Abejukolo and Idah areas of the state. I am also working on Anyigba Central Mosque still under construction and which will be finished by next year. It is not because I have the money but I am just being grateful to God.

I also contribute to building of churches; there is one in Abejukolo which I also contributed. I enjoy doing things that have to do with God.

What else do you remember about the incident that you will like to share?

You see, what I believe is that I am not a saint, neither am I perfect but I sincerely believe in God. It has taught me to have an open heart for God and to ensure I deal kindly with people.

From the experience you had then, do you have any advice for the government on what improvements are needed in the aviation sector?

Well, I believe there are people who are responsible for these improvements. They must make sure they do their job. They must follow the guidelines and safety regulations. We are not the first or the last to utilise the aviation. Aviation is virtually in every country and most countries are doing very well. They have their own airlines or national carriers. Unfortunately here in Nigeria, the Nigerian Airways of those days is no more. To me, I think it is a shame. It is a shame that a whole country like Nigeria cannot provide a standard airline for its citizens travelling anywhere around the world.

I still believe our government should look into that and come up with a corporation, either working with other international airlines and bringing out a well organised airline service for our people. They must ensure that the guidelines are followed and there is no compromise. If we are able to achieve this, it will go a long way in safeguarding lives. Not only that, we must get the technocrats who are experienced and capable to manage this service. We must not bring misfits into this critical sector.

Two, I pray we have honest and capable heads of agencies to handle this sector. It is not impossible. To me, what matters most is to assemble professionals with desire and courage.

The Federal Government is presently making plans to resuscitate the National Carrier, despite its current suspension. What is your assessment of this suspension?

As far as I am concerned, I do not see any reason why Nigeria should not have a National Carrier. We have the resources and we have the people. The determination and the courage is what matters. Government is all about giving the people quality life and services. And if the government cannot provide this, it has not done anything as far as I am concerned. I believe it is something any government coming up should look into and ensure that this sector is standardised. We should get the right persons to do the job. Nigeria is not short of brains.

People have said that during emergencies in Nigeria, we lack adequate health response to prevent loss of lives. Do you have reservations about our health infrastructure and system?

I think I will advise that there is a lot of improvement needed in the health sector. I disagree with anybody who tells me that Nigeria is poor. We are not poor; we have all it takes. I believe that a country like Nigeria should have not less than four standard hospitals that can compete favourably globally. One should be in the North, one in the South-West and one in the South-East to cater to people from these areas.

Why should we say that Nigeria cannot afford to build standard hospitals equipped with all modern gadgets and facilities? We have the personnel. In fact, Nigerian doctors are some of the best overseas. We see them and in fact, many of them also have hospitals there. So, we have the people already. Why can’t our government come up with health care improvement plans that have all the needed facilities and personnel?

It is a shame that things will happen in Nigeria and we will start running out of Nigeria for treatment. For what reason? To me, we are not being fair to ourselves. If you are not healthy, you cannot do anything. It is when you are healthy that you can think about food, money and others; so the improvement of health care system should be a priority for the government. I am sure we have the personnel. If you ask the professionals to come from overseas, they will come if you are ready to pay them handsomely and give them a conducive environment to work.

I believe this is an important area we should look into. Any little thing; we travel outside. To me, this is a shame.

Looking at the government in Kogi State and performance presently, what is your assessment of the situation?

To me, it is sad looking at what is happening. Well, it is expected that if someone is out there to serve the people, he should do his best. Services to the people should be what you give them and not what you want to take from them.

Kogi State is having a lot of problems now and we pray that God will see us through. The government is saying they want to probe my administration but there is nothing to probe. The people whose job is to probe have done that and nothing was found. The present governor said I owe money and that is affecting him from paying salaries. But I challenge him to tell the world if I borrowed one kobo from either local or international banks. During my years in office, I did not borrow money from any bank. That is my pride.

Credits: Punch 
I Was Confident My Three Daughters Would Survive the 2006 ADC Plane Crash –Idris, ex-Kogi State governor I Was Confident My Three Daughters Would Survive the 2006 ADC Plane Crash –Idris, ex-Kogi State governor Reviewed by Unknown on Oktober 20, 2018 Rating: 5

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